Officers of the Club
Commodore (
Jonathan Everett
The General Committee manages the ongoing operation of the Club and its development, on behalf of the members, to ensure the smooth and successful running of your Club. This includes Finance, Membership, Communications/Publicity and RYA liaison, as well as the standing subcommittees below. The General Committee also looks ahead and plans for the medium and long term development of the Club, to meet the future needs of members in the best possible way.
Vice-Commodore (
Ian White
Sailing Secretary (
Steve Playford
The Sailing Committee supports the Sailing Secretary in drawing up and delivering our wide and varied programme of sailing activities. This programme is designed to provide something for all members, from simply pottering about to competitive racing and all coordinated with the training programme drawn up by the Training Team. The Sailing Committee is also responsible for the management of Sailing Duties, supported/social sailing and racing (including personal handicaps, results, presentation of trophies and organisation of open meetings.)
Treasurer (
Sandra Lancaster
Management Secretary (
Mark Hobson