Adult Training
Basic Sail Training
Adult basic training is available at various times during the year covering RYA National Sailing Scheme's Level 1 (Start Sailing) and Level 2 (Basic Skills) courses. At the end of the course, participants have a clear understanding of the basics of sailing and are able to sail and make appropriate decisions in good conditions and without supervision.
Novice adults are generally taught in the Club's double-handed RS Quest's, with one RYA qualified instructor allocated to two candidates, subject to availability. More experienced sailors may be taught in other boats, depending on ability and availability.
Further information on the Adult Sailing course syllabii is available from the RYA's Dinghy Sailing Training Page.
Progressive Skills
Having mastered the Basic Skills, the next step is to gain confidence and control. This Level 3 (Better Sailing) course aims to accelerate this, building on current knowledge and confidence through practice on the water and exercises to develop your sailing skills at a variety of levels. Sailors are generally taught in appropriate Club Boats or, if they prefer, their own dinghy.
Further information on the Level 3 Adult Sailing course syllabii is available from the RYA's level 3 Dinghy Training Page.
Advanced Sail Training
Once you have a degree of confidence in applying the Basic Skills, the next stage is to extend your skills to enhance your opportunities for sailing in a variety of circumstances and environments. The RYA Advanced modules provide the option to develop particular areas of sailing interest and the Club generally offers two courses, Start Racing and Seamanship skills, although Sailing with Spinnakers can also be provided. Generally, to take an RYA Advanced module you should be a competent sailor who has the sailing skills at least equivalent to an RYA National Sailing Scheme Level 2 certificate, or RYA Youth Sailing Scheme Stage 3 certificate, (you need not have taken an RYA course).
Start Racing
The course aims to build confidence and skill, encouraging members to participate in Club racing. A single course is provided this year in early Spring. Adults will generally race in the Club Neo or Quest dinghies, Juniors will use their own boat or a Club Topper. Training consists of both theory sessions and practical exercises on the water. The RYA National Sailing Scheme 'Start Racing' certificate may be awarded if candidates have met the required standard.
Seamanship Skills
The Seamansip Skills course builds on a sailors growing confidence and experience and enables them to confidently handle a boat in a range of more challenging conditions and solve problems afloat; including launching and recovering a boat in different circumstances, stopping, reducing sail, recovering man overboard and coping with mechanical failure (eg of rudder and centrboard/daggerboard).
Sailing with Spinnakers
Sailing with Spinnakers builds on competent sailing abilities, adding everything you need to know about sailing with conventional or asymmetric spinnakers. On successful completion of the course you will be able to rig a boat with a spinnaker, set and trim both the spinnaker and the boat, and know how to sail the best possible course downwind.
Further information on the Improver and Advanced Adult Sailing course syllabii is available from the RYA's Improver and Advanced Sail Training Page and the RYA's Race Training Page.
Sailing & Racing Clinics
Throughout the season, a series of Sailing and Racing clinics are run by members of our RYA accredited training team to help build confidence. Each clinic has its own key topic but the team happily address particular issues raised or simply provide mentoring support, as required.
OD Briefing
This half-day session takes the form of an informal briefing by one of the Club's most experienced Officer's of the Day (OD) for all ODs, aspiring ODs, and Assistant Officer's of the Day (AOD) who wish to do a better job. This is an invaluable introduction and refresher on what to expect as OD and how to manage a day's racing stress-free and effectively.
Further details of this year's courses, clinics and the application process are available under Training Programme & Course Application and in the Club's Training Calendar.